
Everything You Need to Know about Tattoo Removal (before getting a tattoo)

Do you regret having tattoos? You are welcome to join the club. I have at least three tattoos that I have had since my teens. I decided to end my relationship. Most people have heard horror stories about laser tattoo removal. It can be as painful or more painful than the original tattoo. There’s a […]

Do you regret having tattoos? You are welcome to join the club. I have at least three tattoos that I have had since my teens. I decided to end my relationship.

Most people have heard horror stories about laser tattoo removal. It can be as painful or more painful than the original tattoo. There’s a lot of information available on how to get a tattoo, and pages upon pages of inspiring inspo. But what if you don’t love the little shooting star or random Latin phrase?

I learned a few tips along the way that I wish I had known before I started. To make it easy for you, I’ve compiled a list of all the things I learned. Here’s everything you need to know about getting tattoos removed, from the possible side effects to the cost.

1. Consult a doctor before you go

One of my tattoos was previously done at a spa. I was in small-town, so there were no dermatologists or plastic surgery offices. The aesthetician used an old heat laser which caused severe burns to my skin. John F. Adams, MD at the New York Dermatology Group performed my treatments. Everything is done under medical supervision. Ask your friends and influencers for help, or stop people who are involved in the removal process.

2. It could take several months, if not more than a year

After a few seconds with the laser, tattoos do not disappear. (I wish!) «A complete removal of tattoos takes at least two and a quarter years,» Bethany Cirlin (tattoo removal specialist, owner of Clean Canvas More Art) says. To get the best results, it is important to schedule laser treatments three months apart. This will allow your body to completely heal before the next session.

Six sessions have been completed as of this writing. I would guess that I will need some more, despite the fact my original estimate being six to eight sessions. Because the body’s immune system breaks down the particles and then digests them, it takes a while to finish. The recovery period can last up to eight weeks. When you return, the laser will break down new pigment particles, so it takes longer.

3. It’s expensive

The cost of each procedure can be hundreds of dollars if it is done by a physician. Be prepared: The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery estimates that the average session costs $463. For more information, see point 1. The cost of tattoo removal can vary depending on the size, age, and color of your tattoo.

4. Before you get in the chair, familiarize yourself with the process

As with any major procedure, whether invasive or not you should do a quick Google search. This will allow you to find out how the treatment works. According to WebMD, laser tattoo removal is as simple as it sounds. The beam of high-intensity radiation targets ink particles in different layers of your skin. This allows your body to absorb and break down the ink.

5. You can take out all ink

Dr. Adams told me that any color will disappear, regardless of your skin tone, contrary to the belief that colored ink can be difficult to remove. (FYI) The original explanation was that the laser would only be attracted to dark colors like black, much like laser hair removal. PicoSure technology can be used to remove yellows and greens that were once the most stubborn.

6. Before you go, apply sunscreen

Cirlin says, «Once you are unhappy about a tattoo on you body, immediately use a zinc oxide sunscreen to it.» The most common reason why people cannot get lasered is that their tattoos have been exposed to the sun. You can protect your tattoo by using zinc oxide whenever you are outside. This will enable you to be lasered no matter what season it is.

7. Block out time for your activities

Some laser sessions can be quick and simple, but not all. My sessions have taken about 45 minutes. We take photos of the area, then freeze it with lidocaine. Then we laser, ice, and bandage it. I sometimes feel metal when the laser hits me skin. Dr. Adams said that this is a normal sensation that some people feel when the laser hits the lidocaine.

8. You might feel some discomfort during the session

Consider this first warning from Cirlin: «Pain is completely individual and if someone is told something is going to hurt they will go in with that expectation.» My practice offers a topical numbing lotion, which can help to reduce pain. She also mentions that we use a chiller, which uses cold air to keep our clients comfortable. If you are concerned about pain, it is worth contacting your doctor in advance to schedule a consultation.

9. You might feel some discomfort following your tattoo removal process

Expect discomfort for approximately a week. The sites will blister and require a bandage and salve for a few days. Then they begin to depuff, scab and peel off, and then regenerate. Good news is that the more treatments you do, the less care you will need (since the laser reacts to ink less).

10. Preparation for tattoo aftercare is essential

Aquaphor, bandages and clothes that don’t touch your tattoo will be needed. Yes, I bought shirts without material around my neck/back tattoo. I started by cutting out clothing tags. But when I realized that tagless cotton tees made my skin itch and hurt more, keyhole backs proved to be a wise investment. It might be a good idea to plan your sessions if you have tattoos on your feet or ribs (and wear bras and shoes).

For the first three days, it is a good idea to apply a thin layer of antibiotic ointment/healing moisturizer such as Aquaphor or Kiehls’s three times per day.

11. You might consider getting a cover-up instead of a complete tattoo removal

Semi-removal is a method of removing tattoos that isn’t as well known. You can lighten your tattoos enough to cover them up. A friend of mine had a bird part that was sufficiently lightened to allow a tattoo artist to ink a lightbulb on top. It was clever because it meant that her new tattoo did not have to be too heavy handed.

12. Be aware that scarring could result from the process

You might not like the result if you do not want any ink left. Your skin pigment can be lighterened, although the risks are not as great if you have it removed by a specialist. This is why you should refer to the first item on the list: consult a qualified specialist or doctor.

13. Laser effects can not be reversed

The laser’s removal of the shading and line work is permanent. If you don’t want to have the tattoo reapplied because you’re concerned about scarring, you can’t. You must be 100% confident about your decision to have a tattoo removed. If you want to keep it for nostalgic reasons, it is impossible to get it back.

14. There may be side effects

You may experience short-term side effects from lasers when your skin is being treated. Redness, swelling and tenderness are the most common side effects. However, some people may experience blistering, scabs and hyperpigmentation, especially if they are treating larger areas. Your skin’s sensitiveness will determine the extent of side effects. They should disappear in a few days but it is best to be on the lookout for them in case they do not go away.

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