
How to talk to your partner about the future of your relationship?

Could 2023 be the right year to address the big question of a relationship: «What are you?» We are at the beginning of the new year and are taking stock of all aspects of our lives to see how they serve us. Is it true that we are happy at work? Or have we been […]

Could 2023 be the right year to address the big question of a relationship: «What are you?»

We are at the beginning of the new year and are taking stock of all aspects of our lives to see how they serve us. Is it true that we are happy at work? Or have we been quietly quitting? Are we achieving all our fitness and health goals? Are our friendships balanced?

A new calendar year is a great opportunity to focus on your goals and prioritize your priorities. This could also be a chance to take your relationship to the next level.

It doesn’t matter if you are moving out of a relationship towards something more formal, moving in with someone you love, or getting married. How do you determine when it’s the right time for a relationship to move forward?

Annabelle Knight, LoveHoney’s sex and relationship expert, says, «Whether it is taking your relationship to the next stage and making it official or moving in with someone else, getting married, or moving in together, it can be difficult to know when it is time.»

The key to answering these questions lies not only in how you feel about each other, but also in your visions of the future. Not just for what you desire as an individual but for what your relationship will look like.

Knight suggests that trust is the most important thing in a relationship. Trust is an essential component of any healthy and happy relationship. Trust is something you have to work hard for. She explains that if you and your partner can trust each other, then it’s time to move forward in your relationship.

If a relationship can sustainably grow, it is important to have intimacy, security, and support. Knight says, «If you are able to tick all of these boxes and feel that your partner can, it may be time to talk to them about moving your relationship to the next stage.»

Now that you have done a fair assessment of your relationship, how can you approach awkward conversations?

How to talk about your partner’s relationship progress

Knight suggests that there are some key steps that you can follow to make your life easier and increase your chances of success.

First, it is important to forget about the notion of right and wrong. Knight says that when you talk to your partner about moving your relationship to the next stage, it is important to forget the notion of right and wrong. It doesn’t matter how the conversation goes, remember that everyone has their own timetable and what works for one person may not work for another.

It’s important to stay focused. It’s important to keep your focus if the conversation spirals or becomes about something else. This is the best way to get results, no matter what your answer may be.

Clear and honest communication is the key to success

Knight states that it is also important to learn how to listen. «More often than we think, we wait for our partner’s sentences to end before we start ours. This makes it difficult to hear what the other half is saying. For important conversations, make sure to listen to their words in order for you hear the meaning.» she said.

It doesn’t matter if the conversation ends in a positive or negative way, it will likely be an emotional experience. Therefore, it is important to properly process it. After each side has finished speaking, take some time to reflect on what was said and how you felt about it. Also, consider what you would like to do with the information. You should also allow yourself enough space — it’s not a good idea to just sweep it under the rug and move on.

If you don’t understand a part of the conversation, ask your partner for clarification. Knight states that understanding your partner is key to moving forward in any relationship. This includes what they say and who they are. This emotional maturity will help you to be a good partner, inside and out, even in uncomfortable situations.

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