
You can count on your coworkers to be your best professional allies, but…

Dawn Huckelbridge and you have a lot to share if you believe everyone should be able to take paid government-funded leave, whether it’s to bury a loved-one, give birth, or recover from an injury. Paid Leave for All’s founding director, Dawn Huckelbridge fights every day for the guarantee of paid leave for more than 75% […]

Dawn Huckelbridge and you have a lot to share if you believe everyone should be able to take paid government-funded leave, whether it’s to bury a loved-one, give birth, or recover from an injury. Paid Leave for All’s founding director, Dawn Huckelbridge fights every day for the guarantee of paid leave for more than 75% Americans who don’t have access through their employers.

Huckelbridge said that «I don’t think people understand how terrible it is.» She points out that the US is the only rich nation to grant its citizens zero days of paid vacation.

Huckelbridge made the natural decision to join the cause in 2019. She had previously held leadership positions at Supermajority, a female-led political-action committee, and Planned Parenthood. This gave her a solid background in fighting for people’s right. The cofounders saw an opportunity at the time: «If the organizations working on [paid leaves] combined forces, they can become larger than the sum of their parts,» she said.

Huckelbridge, the founding director of the organization, is responsible for the strategy to achieve a comprehensive paid family and medical leave policy — with bipartisan support — by 2023.

Their race to get there was brisk. Just months after Paid Leave for All was launched, the coronavirus pandemic decimated the country, leaving millions of Americans in desperate need of the support that a paid leave policy could provide. She says, «Our work really went into rapid-forward.» It hasn’t slowed since.

She says that legislating is more difficult in a Congress with very few compromises and so many problems to solve. «But you have got to keep trying, and you have have to try your best to succeed in a system to be able to change it.»

Huckelbridge will share this advice with Noella Williams, the 2022 Glamour College Woman-of-the Year and a champion for change. Below, she shares more career advice and how to fight for what you believe when it seems impossible.

What was the first job you envisioned as a child?

The difference between a ballerina or a writer was the result.

When I was eight years of age, my first paycheck was $10. I was performing in the Nutcracker at Cleveland Ballet. Then came the babysitter and swim instructor.

Is your current job in line with your college major?

It does, I believe. I studied communication and political science at Northwestern University. Later, I studied gender and policy at London School of Economics and Political Science. Writing and social justice are still my passions. I enjoy the idea of using words for political and policy change. Gender equity was always at the core of my political beliefs.

Was it the moment when you realized that ….» might be a success?

Success is subjective and constantly changing. It’s not only about your work, but also about your relationships. It’s about how you can help others shine and work together. Anecdotally I think I was a bit delegated when I accepted a job offer from an earlier employer. I was also warned that there would not be promotion. The work was something that I loved deeply. It was a job I loved and I accepted it. I put my head down and worked hard. In the short time I was there, I was promoted from an assistant to a deputy Director three times. That experience taught me a lot about how to make a career out of it. It was to work hard and become respected and influential.

What can you do to deal with rejection?

In advocacy, there are setbacks. We’ve faced many of them. Extreme highs and lows. You take the hit, then take a beat, and then you get back up. It all comes down to conviction and remembering why it is you are doing the work. It is important to take time for yourself, both emotionally and physically. You must always remember your mission and why you do what you do.

Do you have any career advice that you wish you had learned in college?

Sometimes rejections can be a blessing. Sometimes, things or jobs that didn’t make sense in the moment will make sense many years later. Even if you feel lost, you never know what will happen next.

What is the most valuable lesson that you have learned from experience in your career?

Young women need to make friends at work and be young. Do not just connect with colleagues or make friends on social media. I discovered that my 20s was a time when I had the most amazing opportunity to make friends, both while in graduate school and working on the Hillary Clinton campaign. While the work brought us together it was our friendship and trust that kept us going. Many of these women have been elected to Congress, worked in government, or managed major newspapers. If you can find people you trust and respect early and support each other, you might just find that you are helping each other to find work.

Which is the most important life advice that you have received, and not about your career?

My older brothers were my role models and mentors as a child. They were there to push me to be better, smarter, faster, and train harder. One of them would take me running and never let me stop when I was tired. He would then sit down with me and rest. He encouraged me to push myself further. That taught me to keep trying even if you don’t win immediately. While you take care of your body, it is also important to push yourself harder when climbing hills. That’s something I take with me every day.

What is the future of advocacy?

It is difficult to know. Democracies face so many challenges. Legislating has been made more difficult by a Congress that is very conservative. Although frustrating, I believe you must do your best to make the system work for you to see any changes.

What makes a cover letter or resume stand out?

Passion. Good grammar is also important to me. An Oxford comma is my favorite.

Name the people whose Stories are worth following on Instagram?

Instagram is more personal to me than it is professional. I love to see the Stories of my friends. This is how I keep up to date with babies and travel. My niece joined recently, and I follow her Stories to keep up with her soccer updates. She is a star.

Complete the blank: If _____, people would be more happy doing their jobs.

They knew that they could have the security of paid leave.

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